Small Group Network

Small Group



Small Group Network

was created in 2006 by Global Small Group Pastor Steve Gladen at Saddleback Church to support and encourage small group ministry leaders and small group members worldwide.

SGN is an International and Inter-denominational community that exists to connect personally with and strategically Small Group Point People to impact globally to build healthy biblical communities in their local church.  We currently serve tens of thousands of small group pint people in over 100 different nations.  To learn more about SGN. click here.

We connect and empower small groups to share ideas, resources, and curriculum, to build and serve biblically healthy small groups and impact globally with the foundation of The Great Commandment (Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-34) and The Great Commission (Matthew 28;16~20) God has called us to do.


The Story of The Small Group Network

communities of purpose

As a small group point person, it is easy to become isolated and stand-alone. Connecting regularly with a group of people sharing the purpose will keep you encouraged, focused and accountable to follow through!

C.O.P. is a peer to peer learning group that gathers monthly and can meet either virtually or physically to share the idea, and for accountability in executing their small group ministry planner.

Click here to learn more about COP.

Click here to find COP and Huddles all over the world.

“One of the most valuable parts of the “Accelerate!” conference is connecting with accountability groups [C.O.P.].

We commit to meeting once a month for a year. These times have been invaluable for me to carry out what I learned.

Even more than that, I have gained an incredible friend, Steve Curran, from Georgia of all places, to do ministry together. We have just completed our year commitment and have decided to continue meeting.”


Pastor of Outreach and Assimilation, Violet Baptist Church, Ohio


The purpose of a Huddle is to connect Small Group Point people together to build relationships, find encouragement, and share ideas and resources.

Learn more about Huddle & Huddle FAQ.

Start/Join a huddle

Discover a huddle in your region
by visiting small group

Start “Daily Devotional”

Reboot your S.H.A.P.E. Reshape Your Destiny for Next Ten Years.
Visit Daily Devotional blog  & Devotional Forum.

Living life on mission

Share God’s Love (Act 1.8) with P.E.A.C.E. plan.

You were made for a mission.
The assignment that is unique to you and a responsibility that you share with every other Christian.

We’re saved so we can serve, and there’s a unique role only you can play in changing lives for the better.

Small Group Asia

is formed to support small groups in Asia communities as part of Global Small Group Network. SGA helps to create, equip, and connect healthy small groups to become a catalyst to ignite the transformation of healthy local communities with faith and love.

SGA welcomes having more volunteers to serve various Asia regions, localize small group materials in each region, and facilitate communication and collaboration by sharing small group resources and small forums, and coordinate global and local events. Click here to join us.

The Spread of Great Commission

Click here to see the spread of Great Commission in each country.

Small Group Asia Regions


Hong Kong


Sri Lanka
The Maldives



East Timor

Prayer for Persecuted Christians

South Korean families booted from China for ‘being missionaries.’...

Prayer for Hong Kong

PRAYER POINTS: Pray for continued freedom, Christian Faith, and support from...

Prayer for North Korea

PRAYER POINTS: Pray for the religious freedom and deliverance of the nation...

Prayer for South Korea

PRAYER POINTS: Pray for transformation of the Korean church and its vision for...

Prayer for Japan

PRAYER POINTS: Pray for the Gospel to take root in Japanese culture and no...

Prayer for China

PRAYER POINTS: Pray for continued Church growth and pure biblical teaching...

Join us & serve your region


Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law?

Jesus replied,

You must love the Lord your God

With All Your Heart, All Your Soul, and All Your Mind

This is the first and greatest commandment.

The second is equally important

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself.

The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”

Matthew 22:37~40

Great Commission of Jesus

Jesus came and told his disciples...

Go and make Disciples
of All the Nations..."


Baptize them

in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." 


Teach them

to Obey All The Commands I Have Given You.

Matthew 28: 18~20

Church Is a Lab for Love

A church family moves you out of self-centered isolation....

Let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.

Love is an Action. Do you really love someone? Let’s...

We are Christ’s Ambassadors.

Whatever you want God to bless, you give to him first....

The Generous Will Prosper

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will...

Finally, I confessed all my sins to you.

Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying...

Prayer or Panic!

Your choice makes a difference. You can either worry or...

Faith opens the door to miracles

“Have faith in God! If you have faith in God and don’t...

Take Care of Your Body. Run from Sexual Sin.

Your physical health is an important part of making your...

Success Involves Help From Others.

To reach your goals you need to enlist a team for support....

Patience and Persistence

Nothing great is ever accomplished without persistence and...

Small Group Topics & Resources

Small Group



Biblical Basis of Small Group

Small Groups with Purpose

Small Group Host Gathering

Small Group Ground Rules – Discussion

Build Small Groups with God’s Purpose

10 things before starting
small group ministries

Three steps for diagnosing spiritual health

Leading Small Group with Purpose

Small Group Leaders Training 1 & 2

Foundations of leadership

and more…

Your COP or Huddle in your region for details

Click here  to learn more about resources of small group network.



Fresh Start with God

Discovering My Spiritual Maturity

Discovering my SHAPE

Discovering my Life Mission

Preparing for transformation

Transformed by Trouble

50 Days of Transformation

Transforming how I see and use money

The 40 days of prayer

40 days in the word study

Recognizing the voice of God

Building characters at work

Daring faith

Your COP or Huddle in your region for details

The Purpose

What on earth am I here for?

You were planned for God’s pleasure

You were formed for God’s family

You were created to become like Christ

You were shaped for serving God

You were made for a mission

God’s design for your life study

The purpose of church:
How God meets your 5 deepest needs

The purpose of work

Your COP or Huddle in your region for details

Pastor Rick Warren was live at our 2019 Small Group Network Lobby Gathering.

To register for next year’s Small Group Network Lobby Gathering or to see if any of our events are coming to your area, visit

SGN recently launched 8 new C.O.P.’s at the SoCal Accelerate! Come on somebody!!!

Huddles” are like small groups for small group point people & are found all over the world!  Upon registering your Huddle online, we will mail you official SGN swag & one of our leaders will follow up with you to provide you with all the support you need!

Spanish language group

Small Group News & Updates

For years I would tell people how awesome groups are and why they needed to join one.

I figured I would see greater results with more “stage time” and energy put into encouraging people to connect. However, the extra emphasis rarely yielded results that were much better than normal. This prompted me to rethink how to help people catch the vision for biblical community and become intentional about growing spiritually with other believers.

Lively crowd this morning at the SoCal Small Group Workshop!

We love seeing small group point people come alive with fresh new strategies! Accelerate the health & growth of your small group ministry by attending an Accelerate workshop near you!

Small Group asia

Start A Huddle Today!

Connecting Small Group Network globally