Missional Venture


Missional Ventures

When Purpose Is Clear, 

You Know What To Do,
Where To Go,
And Why.


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Finding The Purpose

of Your Existence and Your Calling Is The First Step.

Profit Is Not The Purpose

Of Business.

The True Purpose of Business Is To Create
Sustainable Values For Others,

Including Customers, Stakeholders, and Communities With
Unique Gifts and Capabilities You Have.

Purpose-Driven Missional Ventures

Are More Than a Business or a Job.
It Is Responding to Your Calling,

And Cultivate Social Values
For Economic, Environmental, Social and Spiritual Needs and Purpose.

Equip Essential Skills & Key Disciplines for The 21st Century

Understand the purpose of your existence and the unique gifts and capabilities you have.

Unlock the full potential by equipping with essential skills for the 21st century, such as creative and innovative thinking, information and technology skills, social and career productivity skills.

Transform yourself as a missional business entrepreneur with crucial business disciplines and solid skills to create sustainable values.

New Economy is the new social and economic phenomenon in the 21st century, that is a significant shift from a manufacturing and commodity-based economy to one with innovation and technology as the driving force to create the value of products and services and economic growth.

Purpose – Principle – Process

  • Purpose First.  Understanding the purpose of life, gifts, and business, why you exist where you are, leads to your calling
  • Equip with critical principles to unlock the full potentials
  • Step up the process through missional business ventures

Cultivate Purpose-Driven Missional Ventures

Business ventures or startups are not a smaller version of a large company.

It is a temporary form of strategic organization designed to search for a sustainable business model by testing, discarding and evolving new ideas, methods, processes or products by reflecting feedback from customers and/or stakeholders for the value it creates.

Innovation & Missional Ventures

  • Innovation can be defined as the action or process that introduces something new, a new idea, method or device.
  • Venture is defined as a risky or daring journey or a business undertaking involving risk
  • Mission is defined as an important assignment carried out for political, religious or commercial purpose.
  • Innovation and venture are often combined together through purpose-driven entrepreneurship as a missional venture to explore three types of business innovation, such as product, process and a new  business model.
  • The missional entrepreneur often takes business as a mode of missional venture in action, equipped with the most effective principle, practices, strategy and competitive assets in order to deliver the purpose of the business.

Our Mission

Finding The Purpose

of Your Life & Your Calling


Missional Ventures with Essential Skills & Business Disciplines.

Create Social Values

by Connecting the Dots of Missional Ventures & Resources

Quotes & Thoughts

On Management

“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship.”

“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”

“The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.”

“Leadership is defined by results, not attributes.”

“The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.”

Peter Drucker

Featured Topics

Essential Business Disciplines For Members.

Cultivate The Spirit of Innovation & Missional Entrepreneurship


Defining Moments

Purpose of Life, Purpose of Business and Key Management Disciplines

Learn and practice with business model canvas and case studies




How to Chart a Strategic Direction with Vision, Mission and Core Values?


Setting the foundation of an organization, strategic direction with measurable goals and objectives and mission statement.



Essential Skills of Management,
Key Areas of Responsibilities

Essential Skills of Managers: Capital Budgeting, Communication, Decision Making, Information and Technology Literacy, Measurement and Control and People Decision.



A Winning Strategy: How To Measure and Evaluate A Winning Strategy?


Analytical Frameworks

How to Evaluate External Environment and Internal Resources with Analytical Frameworks?

PESTEL analysis, Five Forces, Value Chain Analysis, Competitive Analysis, VRIO and financial analysis…


Pitch Deck

Prepare A Winning Pitch Deck, Key Components For Fund-raising.


Purpose, Problem, Solution, Why Now, Market, Product, Competition, Business Model, Traction, Team, Financials…



Analyze Organization’s Resources and Strengthen Capabilities



How To Cultivate Missional Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurial characteristics: energetic and self-demanding to get the job done, assertive take charge attitude, inquisitive, creative and innovative, building reputation for long-term success with integrity and risk-taker with proactive and responsive attitude…



The Spirit of Innovation.
What Makes Innovator Different?

Tolerance for failure but no tolerance for incompetence, willingness to experiment for innovation with highly disciplined approach and interdisciplinary collaboration with individual accountability…


Business Intelligence

Faster and More Sophisticated Data Analytics For Business Intelligence


Data Science for Business

The Era of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. How Data Science Changes Our Business?

Entrepreneurial characteristics: energetic and self-demanding to get the job done, assertive take charge attitude, inquisitive, creative and innovative, building reputation for long-term success with integrity and risk-taker with proactive and responsive attitude…



Practice Strategy with Simulated Game Frameworks and Case Studies

Tolerance for failure but no tolerance for incompetence, willingness to experiment for innovation with highly disciplined approach and interdisciplinary collaboration with individual accountability…

Featured Video& Upcoming Program

Unlock Creativity & Innovation


Missional Ventures
Unlock the Secret of Modern Monetary System
The Crash Course of Executive MBA
Digital Business Strategy
Business Intelligence


Innovation & Missional Entrepreneurship


Church Is a Lab for Love

Church Is a Lab for Love

A church family moves you out of self-centered isolation. The local church is the classroom for learning how to get along in God’s family. It is a lab for practicing unselfish love. As a participating member you learn to care about others and share the...

How Can I Know My Destiny?

How Can I Know My Destiny?

Do you know what God created you for? Do you know what your destiny is? The first thing you must do to understand your destiny is to recognize the gifts God has given you to use. They include the things you can’t control – your parents, your nationality,...

변화의 50일

Transformation 변화의 50일 삶을 진짜 바꾸고 싶다면 유일한 방법은 우리가 사고하는 방식을 바꾸는 것입니다. 소그룹과 함께하는 변화의 50일 시리즈를 통해 당신의 가슴과 마음이 열리고,  당신의 습관과 성격, 삶의 목적에 대한 당신의 태도가 바뀌어,  삶의 목적을 향한 커다란 변화가 일어나도록 주실수 있기를 바랍니다.  Start Today N 영적 건강을 위한 변화 N 육적 건강을 위한 변화 N 정신 건강을 위한 변화 N 감성인 건간을 위한 변화 N 건강한 인간...

영적인 건강

하나님께서 우리를 어떻게 변화시키시나 인간관계로 인한 고충에 정답이 있다고, 재정적 문제에 대한 해결책이 있다고, 삶의 의미에 대해 설명한다고 세상은 우리의 주목을 끌기 위해 소리친다. 그러나 세상의 약속은 공허하며 우리가 무언가를 더 찾게 만든다. 하나님의 말씀만이 내면으로부터 우리 삶의 변화를 약속하는 유일한 해답이다. 1과: 영적 건강을 위해서 어떻게 변화할 것인가? 그런즉 누구든지 그리스도 안에 있으면 새로운 피조물이라 이전 것은 지나갔으니 보라 새 것이 되었도다...

교회, 예배, 소그룹, 또 다른 팬데믹 대비해 온-오프 병행이 필요

교회, 예배, 소그룹, 또 다른 팬데믹 대비해 온-오프 병행이 필요

* 소그룹의 핵심 기능은 하나님과 이웃을 사랑하는 제자를 만들어가는 것.
* 성경은 서열 위주의 관료제가 아니라 사랑이 요체인 가족에 기반을 두고 있다.
* 교회에 가고 안 가고는 선택이 아니다. 주님을 믿고 사랑한다면서 몸 된 교회에 가지 않는 것은 말이 안 된다.
* 교회는 주님의 목적이 이끄는 교회이지, 목사가 이끄는 교회가 아니다.
* 하나님이 우리에게 교회를 주신 것은 교회가 완벽해서가 아니라 새 술을 새 부대에 담듯 새롭게 만들어가라고 주신 것.
* 소그룹을 활용한 건강한 교회로의 진정한 변화를 위해서는 성도- 관계 – 선교 – 구조 -문화 5가지가 모두 변해야 한다.

Purpose First

Learn Key Principles

Step Up Processes

Practice Missional Venrures



Diversity and inclusion are one of the hottest topics in the 21st century.  It is a strategic practice to achieve a diverse workplace environment and leverage the effects of diversity to realize competitive and synergistic advantages of an organization.


Diversity is the range of differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs.  We believe combing of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives will lead to unique advantages and innovation.


Inclusion is involvement and empowerment, where the inherent worth and dignity of all people are recognized. The spirit of inclusiveness promotes and sustains a sense of belonging; it values and practices respect for the talents, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of life of each member.

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