소그룹 코리아 팀

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스몰그룹 코리아

전세계 한인들의 건강한 소그룹모임을
돕기위한 자원봉사자들의 모임입니다.

저희들이 믿고 추구하는 것은 다음과 같습니다.

주님을 사랑하라
이웃을 네몸같이 사랑하라

성경적인 건강한 소그룹들을 통해
이 세상 땅끝까지
주님의 제자를 삼고
주님의 말씀을 지키고 따르게 하라

건강한 소그룹들을 연결하여
주님의 손과 발이 되어
세상에 선한 영향력을 줄 수 있는
건강한 교회를 이루도록 하라.


건강한 소그룹 모임은

우리 삶을 바꾸고

지역 사회를 변화시킵니다.

스몰 그룹 네크워크 

스몰그룹 네트워크 (Small Group Network)는  2006년 스티브 글래딘 목사님의 미국 새들백교회의 소그룹 사역에서 부터 시작되었습니다.

현재는 미주내 수많은 교회와 전세계 100여국 수만명의 소그룹 사역자들의 글로벌 네크워크를  형성하고 있습니다. 우리는 건강한 소그룹이 건강한 교회를 만들고 지역 교회와 사회를 변화시키는것을 목격하고 체험하고 있습니다.

저희들은 예수님께서 가장 중요한 계명으로  강조하신 “주님을 사랑하고 이웃을 네 몸같이 사랑하라”는 사랑의 대계명 (Great Commandment)

“전세계 온 열방에 주님의 말씀을 전하고, 따르고, 지키도록 하라”는 선교의 사명 (Great Commission) 을 명심하고 따릅니다.

성경적인 소그룹모임과 활동을 통해,
세상의 방관자가 아닌, 주님의 사랑을 전하는 손과 발로서의 역할을 하고자 합니다. 이에 따라 교회가  진정한 목적을 찾고, 건강한 공동체와 지역사회를 만들어갈수 있도록 기도합니다.

전 세계 100여국의 소그룹사역자, 개척교회 목회자, 교회를 못나가고 있는 가나안 성도들이 소그룹에 참여하고 연결될 수 있습니다. 이제 저희들이 함께 나누고자 하는 소그룹 자료와 네트워크를 통해 아름다운 하나님의 공동체를 만들어 갈 수 있길 기도합니다.

Do Youl Kim

South Korea
Nick name: Sosan

Do Youl Kim is a business entrepreneur and serves as Elder and the head of a Church school in Seoul. He teaches high school students, serve as a choir member. He was born and raised in a third-generation Christian family and serves as President of Hansung CBMC in Korea. He previously served as a Governor of Rotary club in South Korea as President of Hana Laser.

kakao - sgk-doyoul


Joanne Nam

Daily Devotional 

Joanne has been leading small groups and small group hosts.  She finds her passion in translation and believes the daily devotional or QT in small group can help us become a mature Christian.  She is actively involved in the Korean translation of Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope columns.  She understands why people can’t believe Jesus Christ because she also had a hard time to accept Jesus as her Lord and the savior.  She hopes that her experience and passion will be used to help others and draw them to Jesus.

kakao: sgk-joanne


Ryan Park

Small Group Development

Ryan has been leading the small group for more than a decade and currently hosts small groups at Sadleback Church. He enjoys meeting brothers and sisters in God and connecting people. He thinks that small group is the most important foundation for faith, love and life. He has a heart for the Korean-American community. He’s a wonderful husband of Aram and father of a lovely daughter Tiffany and a son Kenneth.

kakao ID:


Julia Juhwa Kang

Small Group Korea Editor

Julia is a journalist of Kukmin daily newspaper in South Korea (2003~present), one of the major newspaper in South Korea supported by Christian organization.  

She actively covers Christian columns and publishes articles in the newspaper, including ‘Park Sang-jeung and the Ecumenical Movement’ (2010) based on her work on Christianity.

She majored Philosophy at Korea University in Seoul and is studying Intercultural Studies(MAICS) at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. She is the wife of a wonderful husband who likes playing golf and the mother of a boy who loves playing baseball. She likes walking, talking, coffee and traveling. She seeks to find the beauty of God and would like to live within the beauty.

kakao ID:


Daniel Kueon

South Korea

Daniel Kueon has been specializing technology consulting and intelligent control system design and process control and automation research over 25 years.

He received Jesus Christ as his Savior in 1993 and received evangelical explosive training at YWAM. Since then, he has been serving at Churches in the US and South Korea, including the 1st Baptist Church in Detroit and Joyful Church of Pohang in South Korea, serving as a Sunday school teacher for high school student at the church.

kakao ID:



Small Group Korea

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